Featured artists

Check out our collection of Desert Island Cloud featured artists, including, new albums, videos, EPs, singles and interviews. Are...

Remington super 60 is a band consisting of Christoer Schou, Elisabeth Thorsen & Magnus Abelsen. The member shave previously...

3BjFhcECW64qrKbDAgFYinsi2Hlbl6ukSRuvAxTn9AfCNg This past year has been the ultimate test of whether familiarity breeds contempt. When you’re marooned at sea...

The music emanating from eighteen-year-old Chicago-based musician, Marco Landaverde, pulls from his childhood musical influences and his intimate journey...

333 is a journey back to the person you really are, but whom somehow you forgot. It takes its...

Natalie Shay is a 21 year old indie pop/rock artist hailing from North London. The multi award-winning musician has...

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