Bantunani’s Anthropic: A Deep Dive into the Soul of Afrofunk

Home > New music > Bantunani’s Anthropic: A Deep Dive into the Soul of Afrofunk

Bantunani’s new album, Anthropic, marks a remarkable evolution for the Afrofunk icon as he releases his 15th solo project. In this latest work, Bantunani takes a bold leap into uncharted territory, trading his signature upbeat rhythms for a more introspective and spiritually infused soundscape. This shift signals a deep dive into themes of self-reflection and humanity’s broader journey.

The album’s title, Anthropic, is inspired by Claude Lévi-Strauss’s groundbreaking book, Tristes Tropiques. This reference hints at Bantunani’s philosophical exploration of the human condition and his contemplation on how Western civilization has shaped and, at times, disrupted cultures around the world. It’s a fascinating blend of music and intellect, inviting listeners to reflect on the world through a different lens.

Musically, Anthropic ventures far beyond Bantunani’s usual Afrofunk vibe. This time, he embraces darker tones, weaving in elements of trip-hop, soul, and blues. The tracks are laced with haunting melodies and layered with raw, emotive lyrics that touch on personal experiences, struggles, and moments of clarity. The album feels like a deep conversation with the artist’s soul, where each song unfolds a piece of his journey.

Yet, even in its somber reflections, Anthropic is not devoid of light. There’s an undercurrent of resilience and hope that courses through the album’s core. Bantunani’s lyrical wisdom shines, offering glimmers of optimism and a reminder of the indomitable human spirit.

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Anthropic is ambitious, complex, and unapologetically thoughtful—a true testament to Bantunani’s growth as an artist. It stands as a must-listen for both dedicated fans and anyone in search of music that not only entertains but also provokes thought and stirs the soul.

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