Pulsating head-bopping basement indie dance energy

Home > New music > Pulsating head-bopping basement indie dance energy

‘Club Orange’ is the fourth single to date from Glasgow’s Western Column, the solo project of Dutch Wine guitarist Christopher Devine and is out now on Negative Hope Records.

The track flits between a pulsating head-bopping basement indie dance energy and a hushed beauty while maintaining that sun-washed dream pop vibe Western Column built with his singles to date.

Moving from strength to strength ‘Club Orange’ feels fuller and more confident than Western Column’s previous outings, Devine’s vocals come across as more self-assured yet maintain an almost settling hazy wonder, while the imaginative guitar work teeters a fine line between shoegaze wonder and star gazing bedroom pop.

Western Column is the DIY solo project of Christopher Devine and sees the Dutch Wine guitarist go down his own path, while his band continue to build their own name, threading a dancey, sun-kissed element to his optimistic shoegaze sound going on instincts alone to create a sound true to himself.

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“With ‘Club Orange’ there is a general feeling of everything that was going on at that time, it’s more an atmosphere than a specific topic. “I’ve always liked really upbeat tunes that are still sad, so it’s got a dancey groove with the drums and bass and then put some dream poppy guitars over it so it’d be like a kind of friendly clash. “I purely go off of a feeling, so everything I’m listening to combined and then whatever is exciting me, there’s no other parameter or filter that it has to go through. I don’t ask myself would other people like this? Or is this cool? It’s purely, do I feel something for this?”


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