Fierce and tender

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Lost//Youth is here to save you from the modern noise. The alt/rock band, formed in May of 2021, brings something new to the table while being reminiscent of bands from before their time. With acoustic elements, epic guitar solos and sincere lyricism, the group delivers a unique and yet nostalgic experience.

With diverse, anti-modern influences such as Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, Tracy Chapman, KALEO and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, their music is hard to define – and that’s exactly how they like it. Their upcoming two-part project, playing off the concepts of light and dark, will help define their sound as malleable and yet inherently distinctive.

Lead singer Alanna Joy brings an amalgamation of fierce and tender elements through her vocal style and tells stories of love, heartbreak and searching for something more.

The group’s sound is driven by heavy, melodic bass played by Charlie Charles and driving, passionate electric guitar by Faghri Hendricks. Their drummer, Dan Paulse, concretes their rock grooves and brings a unique style to their softer songs.

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