The ultimate break-up song?

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At a very early age, siné left home to travel the World as a backpacker. She left behind all worries, expectations and thoughts of education, husband, kids and future to live in the now! Years later, when she finally returned to Denmark, she realized that nothing had changed and that she was still in search of her very own and true path in life…

Welcome to the quirky quarter-life crisis of siné! ‘2GOOD2U’ is the brand new single by a young, restless and colourful mind. siné is here to express herself through a musical universe that sparks contradictions such as fun and vulnerability.

“It was really meant to be the ultimate break-up song. But while I was going all Girl Power and feeling free I was hit by the insecurity that always haunts you when you’re trying to leave someone for good. And so instead, I ended up feeling totally miserable about myself. ‘2GOOD2U’ is about the inner fight that comes with not being able to stand up for your ridiculous self when life needs to change. It’s a reminder that you are the one in your life who can make the chance to move forward from what might seem like a catch-22,” siné says.

Having lived an almost busker lifestyle – playing street corners, bars and clubs with newly met friends from around the globe – the sound of siné takes off in her incredibly soulful voice. The music is playful and full of funk
y chord changes, spacy horn sections and break beats and it all revolves around inspiration in 90s R&B and hip hop, the legendary Motown-feel and carefree sunshine pop!

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