Toronto artist (who originally hails from Montreal) and preeminent pop creator – Maya Malkin – has just released her brand new single “Congratulations” via a Neon Music exclusive premiere.

A melodic, lush and pop filled tune, the new single is a testament to her growth, not only as an artist, but as an incredible musician as well. She captures moods, moments and memories in a way that grip you immediately and draw you into her world – and the tongue ‘n’ cheekiness , plus the relatability of “Congratulations,” is no exception. “It’s a proverbial eye roll aimed at the never-ending popularity contest that is everyday existence,” says Malkin, “it was written in the aftermath of an abusive relationship and illustrates the moment in which our narrator finally stands up for herself.”

Malkin has long made waves in the Canadian music scene with her band, Motel Raphael – BUT – it was in 2020 (when the world felt more apocalyptic than ever) that she launched her solo project with her first single, “Hostage”. She quickly garnered accolades from critics and fans – nabbing coveted Canada’s Walk of Fame RBC Emerging Musician Program, becoming the iHeart Radio Artist of the Month, and getting some mainstream love with a commercial or two (where she dabbles in the realm of jingle writing). With an album in the works, and more music on the way, Malkin’s future seems brighter than ever…stay tuned.

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