“God’s Free Make Me” comes via Meena’s ‘Can’t See’ EP. The track features a backing synth shimmer and post-punk rhythm section initially, adding a lively guitar tone alongside the expressive vocal performance. Added guitar jangles add further fervour past the one-minute mark. Escalating distortion a minute later accompanies the galloping bass line, concluding with a dreamy allure.

‘Can’t See’ follows up the band’s debut EP last year, whose opening track “Porch” saw praise from outlets like We All Want Someone to Shout For, Little Dose of Indie, Independent Music Reviews, and others.
One-half the duo, Will, writes the following about ‘Can’t See’: “My vision for the record was a poppy hooky reverb-drenched layered record with big drums and deep bass, with a rich texture (every single bass note is played on the low E).” He continues: ” I think the record is quite lyrically abstract but in general is about life, sadness and just trying to get through life.”
