Skygasm is a husband-and-wife duo, soon to be trio – with their first child due in August. Based between London and Scotland, the duo comprises of Japanese born vocalist and guitarist Akiko Matsuda and Scottish born multi-instrumentalist and producer Henry Dobson. Their sound captures a unique brand of bucolic psychedelic that reflects clear urban cultural influences from London and Tokyo.
The production was led by Henry and his approach for this EP was focused on creating an advantage out of the limitations of his small lock-down studio setup. With two Neve preamps, two tube microphones, a DI box and a couple of cranky compressors, the lack of recording channels reflected the studio standards of the 50s and 60s. Phil Spector and Joe Meek’s wall of sound techniques, George Martin’s famously over compressed drum sounds, and the advantage of slightly more modern mixing capabilities all contributed to the grungy, crisp and uncomplicated production style of this EP.