After releasing his debut single, “Need You”, last week, emerging Canadian R&B artist Emanuel suddenly found himself in global headlines. Only hours after its release, Golden Globe-winning actor, musician and producer Idris Elba OBE started the collaborative social media campaign #NeedYou2020. In his Instagram post, Elba encouraged people to submit photos or videos for an “inspirational collage” he was creating to Emanuel’s brand-new single that would document how the world was coping with self-isolation.

Idris is very passionate about Emanuel’s talent – his involvement comes from a very sincere place (as a fan of Emanuel’s music). The video is made up of footage sent in by members of the public. The single itself is absolutely beautiful, a really emotional song that pairs perfectly with Idris’s message of hope. It is a testament to the power of the Canadian-Ethiopian artist’s sumptuous vocal. During these testing times whilst people are confronted with challenging circumstances, the video for ‘Need You’ seeks to provide comfort and connectedness.

“Need You” is the first single from Emanuel’s upcoming debut EP, ALT THERAPY – Session 1: Disillusion, which will be released this Spring via Universal Music Canada, the country’s leading music company. Writing from the perspective of a first-generation Canadian, Emanuel celebrates freedom, hope and love through the ancient tradition of songwriting. With four generations of musicians in his family history, Emanuel has a deep respect for the connection and therapeutic power of music. Like his grandfather and great-grandfathers before him, he uses the medium of music to share his stories.

“Alt Therapy. It represents so many things. It is healing. Healing for those things in the past that would have us in bondage, in depression, in sadness. Those voices that told us we weren’t important.  It’s gratification, for the yearning in our hearts to do something great for the people of this world.”

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