Premiered by Billboard, the music video captures the nostalgic essence of Sonny Santos and Billie Marten’s startlingly beautiful collaboration ‘swear 2 g-d’.

The subtle style and the pair’s lilting harmonies reflect the ways in which a romance can gently unfold. As opposed to a fantastical on-screen passion of kissing in the rain and dramatic proclamations of amour, ‘swear 2 g-d’ is so much more about the everyday moments; those little things that add up until your life becomes entirely entwined with another’s.

With the video, there’s a third creative influence in director Cristian Bravo, who stars in the short film alongside his girlfriend Lizzie King.

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“The video is just me and my girlfriend wandering around. I met her when I was on a flight back to Spain from NY and she was the flight attendant. We’ve fallen in love and I’ve been flying around the world to see her when I can and documenting the times on an old Super 8 camera my friend gave me.”

Sonny Santos also elaborates on how he and Marten came to work on this song together:

“I reached out to Billie on a whim after discovering her music shortly before. I remember being in the mountains of Spain in winter listening to her tunes and really digging them, they seemed to speak to my mindset at the time. I didn’t know her nor expect to ever hear back from her. It was just reaching out on a whim. Surprisingly, not only did she respond but said she’d heard of my music and liked it and would love to do it. We rehearsed for a couple hours at a rehearsal space in London with Matt and Nick and recorded it the next day. She was great. It was really simple. I remain a big fan.”

‘swear 2 g-d’ features Matt Ingram and Nick Pini of Laura Marling’s band on drums and bass. Recorded and mixed at London’s Urchin Studios by award winning engineer Dan Cox (Laura Marling, Lianne La Havas) with additional album tracks recorded by Andy Ramsay of Stereolab at South Bermondsey’s Press Play Studios (Mount Kimbie, King Krule) and in Brooklyn, NY by Mike Kutchman (Eddie Vedder, Parquet Courts) at Look to Listen Studios.

Sonny Santos’ debut album Hotel De Londres will be out later this year.


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