London-born, Sydney-based songwriter Dom Youdan shares sweeping new single ‘Is Your Lover Still Cool’. It’s a dynamic track, which strikes at the heart of unrequited love through the warm, unfurling production, layers of electronic and organic instrumentation, and topped off with Youdan’s tender vocals.

Speaking about ‘Is Your Lover Still Cool’, Youdan says:  “I was an outrageous geek growing up, Is Your Lover Still Cool speaks to that; of not fitting in and feeling something for someone who doesn’t really see you.  This song’s as much about gaining perspective as it is falling in love.”

Unreturned emotion is a well-trodden subject, and yet Dom Youdan handles it with such personal intimacy; that genuine feeling most of all heard in his honest lyrics, “how many sorrys does it take to start to hurt?”

Working with filmmaker Daniel Hartley-Allen, Youdan brought his song to life on screen with a music video that matches up beautifully with the tenderness of the original piece of music. Playing with darker tones and lush yet lo-fi production, ‘Is Your Lover Still Cool’ earned top video treatment. “The video is dripping with nostalgia. We shot it in this karting and laser tag arena, and they let us run wild. The goal was to take this typical retro moment in your childhood and turn it into a dynamic cinematic landscape.” – Dom Youdan

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Dom Youdan found himself getting signed on a Skype call before even releasing his first single. “Turns out the best way for a musician to stand out in London is to move to Australia!” says Dom after being discovered by London and LA based, Hi-Tea Records and LME Publishing (Dido, Andreya Triana). This pivotal moment was preceded by the songwriter’s time in the UK, in which he’d commute three and a half hours everyday to and from a job he didn’t care for, and felt he was merely surviving, instead of thriving. Like many of us, Dom Youdan escaped into his mind and on these painstakingly long journeys, he began writing melodies to pass the time. Youdan went on to teach himself guitar and piano, write songs and play his first gig age 24. It was at his second-ever live gig that Youdan fell for an Australian in the audience, and this was the spark which inspired the new found songwriter to go on his Australian adventure releasing his debut Tigerlily EP in 2017.

Youdan’s forthcoming EP explores his personal and collective memories, taking universal, youthful moments and blurring them with his own, creating space for discomfort and nostalgia.


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