“Us & Them” is a track from Night Marcher, with a haunting introspection on the information age and partisan divisiveness.
Night Marcher is the project of singer/songwriter Rob Reinfurt. “Us & Them” is a cut from his latest album, of the same name (Us & Them).
“We live in a time with an abundance of communication, but no one is really listening to each other,” Rob explains. “We are bombarded with more information than ever before, yet we continue down a path of unawareness, stuck in our own narratives. Often, we are pointing fingers in the blind, instead of fully understanding the other perspective. This reactionary environment pits us against one another that we forget how much we’re all alike. We can do better than this.”
He continues: “There is an age-old saying Divide & Conquer. Oligarchs have been doing this for centuries. Today in America, they use race, identity, guns, etc to create this divide. These are the issues they report on, sensationalize, and use to build fear. Sometimes they even manufacture events to get people riled up.”