Hailing from Northeastern Ohio, The Blue Winter is a promising new artist poised for an appealing and successful future. With over a decade spent in Ohio’s music scenes, The Blue Winter is an experienced artist with a mature heart. 

Aaron takes great joy in writing songs, and so sits upon a mountain of unreleased material ready for curation into an album. Focusing on honesty and written through navigating life’s many ups and downs, The Blue Winter’s songs are sincere and accessible. Open your heart and have a listen.

Aaron says, “Up On The Stage is about the tension that surrounds sharing a piece of yourself with the world. I think every artist feels this to some extent – you want your art to be public, to be out there, to mean something to someone, but you’re also putting a part of yourself out there, too. The original, personal meaning a song starts with and the collective, public meaning it can take once it’s out is kind of at the core of what’s going on with Up On The Stage. I suppose there’s an element of what it feels like to be a performer, too. Beyond that, it seems like there’s an inner and outer dialogue to almost everything in life, so the song has a universal aspect to it as well.”

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