Actress and fashion insider Peyton List is poised for her biggest year yet. The 20-year-old media darling has appeared on magazine covers, in national fashion ads, starred in feature films and has even hosted an event at the White House. You know Peyton List as Emma on the fan favourite Disney’s Jessie and Bunk’d, but her venture into the music world with the single ‘Liar Liar’ uncovers a Peyton we have yet to discover. After the success of ‘Liar Liar’, Peyton List is back with a commercial pop anthem, ‘Dance ‘Til We Die’. 

‘Dance ‘Til We Die’ highlights soulful vocals, heartfelt lyrics and cinematic soundscapes. The single is featured in Anthem of a Teenage Prophet, starring List herself. The coming of age story also features Cameron Monaghan and Juliette Lewis. ‘Dance Til We Die’ is out now via Dirty Canvas, the home to American Authors and Young Rising Sons. 

Outside of music, Peyton will appear in the new CBS series, Happy Together (release date: And because fashion always runs through her blood, Peyton is proud to announce the release of her debut clothing line LIST BY PEYTON., a collection of whimsical pieces with a“female first” message weaved into each piece. 

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Peyton recognizes her position as a role model and millennial thought leader and treats her massive social media audience with the respect they deserve. When she’s not working, Peyton loves spending time with her family, writing and producing comedy shorts with her twin brother Spencer, hanging out with her friends and volunteering her free time to the ASPCA, a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing cruelty to animals. 

Peyton is also committed to mentoring the next generation of young women who look to her for advice and inspiration. She believes in hard work, self-respect and pursuing your dreams, and those are messages she’s proud to share.


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