Watchdog by Gringo Star
Atlanta’s Gringo Star release their 5th album Back To The City on Aug 24th, their second for Nevado Music. The album is the band offering another fresh take of garage, psychedelic and classic rock and roll, this time even offering strings. Back To The City is the first album recorded with Gringo Star’s newest secret weapon – Joshua Longino who help swap on guitars, bass, percussion and vocals with the Furgiuele brothers. As well a first with some lush strings by Dave Claassen.
Gringo Star are insouciant explorers, tossing the paddles overboard and drifting on the currents of their lackadaisical curiosity across a rippling sonic ocean, out to the far edges of rock & roll. Shots pulsing from a vintage Leslie speaker, their guitars, keys and vocals create the psychoactive ingredients of their echo-slathered, doo-wop-indebted indie gems; psychedelic garage bangers, gritty R&B shuffles and spaghetti western weirdness. Taking cues from Santo & Johnny, The Stooges, Ritchie Valens, Marc Bolan, Percy Faith, Sam Cooke, the men working on the chain gang—uh! ah!—they’re all here, their electric ghosts reaching across time, tapping Gringo Star on the shoulder like the crossroads devil to Robert Johnson, bestowing secrets, passing torches.
The band has toured relentlessly across the U.S. and Europe building a diehard underground following while sharing bills with everyone from Cat Power and Feist to The Black Angels and Weezer, and also touring with Wavves, Best Coast, And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead, The Orwells, and fellow Atlantans The Black Lips.