The Soft Season is the Toronto-based musical collaboration of producer Brian Gallant and singer Duncan Boyd. The two had previously played in a few fairly short-lived Toronto punk bands, making the rounds at festivals like NXNE before quietly calling it quits. Looking for a new project and a new direction, Boyd casually asked Gallant in December 2017 for a New Order style track to sing over. Gallant promptly sent over the instrumentals for what would become The Soft Season’s first two tracks “Nothing Will Keep Me Away From You” and “Black.”  

Happy with the results, the two decided to keep going, which brings us to July 20 when they will be releasing their debut EP called You Are Loved, featuring five singles. Brian Gallant is an audio engineer, mixing and recording TV shows by day before using the studio to clandestinely work on music production for a variety of artists by night.  As for Boyd, he works as a copywriter, quietly writing websites and radio scripts for an unsuspecting public. But music is their first love and they truly are a match made in heaven.

The Soft Season will be dropping their debut EP, You Are Loved, on July 20th, featuring five moody synth-pop tracks, including “One Hour". Let me know if interested in a full stream for that release.

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