“En Été Comme En Hiver” Paploviante & KidOfEarth – See the description and translation by 👫KidOfEarth🌍
Thanks to Paul (Paploviante) @paul-racle for all those open collab that he uploads and shares. Open collab tracks: http://ift.tt/2GMNmxY
Here is the original track in case you want to express yourself. “Sometimes” http://ift.tt/2G5a2dB
I allowed myself to change the title. Indeed, I narrate a text by Jacques Prévert (1900-1977)
“En été comme en hiver” which you will find the translation below. I tried to find out more about this wonderful poetry that was written by the poet for a show, but it seems hard to know more. I’m not sure that the tone on which i narrate is the right one, but that’s what inspired me. A mixture of dramatic and ironic.
I remixed a little and I added some sounds to give a little more realism. I hope you enjoy my version.

Merci à Paul (Paploviante) @paul-racle pour toutes ces open collab qu’il met en ligne et pour le partage. Pistes Open collab: http://ift.tt/2GMNmxY
Voici la piste originale au cas où vous souhaiteriez vous exprimer à votre tour. “Sometimes” http://ift.tt/2G5a2dB
Je me suis permis de changer le titre. En effet, je dis un texte de Jacques Prévert (1900-1977)
“En été comme en hiver” dont vous trouverez la traduction ci-dessous. J’ai tenté d’en savoir plus sur cette magnifique poésie qui a été écrite par le poète pour un spectacle, mais il semble difficile d’en savoir plus. Je ne suis pas certain que le ton sur lequel je le dis soit le bon, mais c’est ce qu’il m’a inspiré. Un mélange dramatique et ironique.
J’ai remixé un peu et j’ai ajouté quelques sons pour donner un peu plus de réalisme. J’espère que vous apprécierez ma version.


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In summer as in winter
in the mud in the dust
lying on old newspapers
the man whose shoes take the water
look out at the boats.

Near him a fool
a gentleman who has what
sadly angling
He does not know why
he sees a barge passing
and nostalgia takes it
He would like to leave as well
very far over the water
and live a new life
with a smaller belly.

In summer as in winter
in the mud in the dust
lying on old newspapers
the man whose shoes take the water
look out at the boats.

The brave angler
without fish returns home
He opens a can of sardines
and then starts crying
He understands that he will die
and he never liked
His wife considers him
and smiled with a pinch
It’s a very sad shrew
a giant clam frog.

In summer as in winter
in the mud in the dust
lying on old newspapers
the man whose shoes take the water
look out at the boats.

He knows that barges
are big floating slums
and that lower wages
does that the beautiful marinières
and their poor mariners
walk on the rivers
a whole load of children
damaged by misery
in summer as in winter
and in any weather.

Unison MIDI Chord Pack

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