Can’t Remember by Fluff and Gravy Records
It’s summer time again, and I can’t remember last time the sun got sent
Ice is melted down, and I can’t remember last time you came around
I’m so sick of you, and I can’t remember last time you weren’t sick of me too
But now the glacier’s gone, and I can’t remember last time you were smiling

The mammoths froze to death, and I can’t remember last time I couldn’t see my breath
Saber tooth’s gone cold, and I can’t remember if they was in control
You are sick of me, and I know I’ve been such a jerk lately
Better now, I’m sure, but I can’t remember how many times I’ve said that before

I know that I get so unfolded
Even thought we are cold

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An ocean blocks the air, but I can’t remember if that was always there
I might’ve had some luck, but I can’t remember, it’s hard to care too much
Winter has now past, but I can’t remember how long the summer lasts
I don’t remember anything from before the glaciers came

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