“SPOON FULL” With the fabulous “Gary Reeves” on Drums also thanks to the Core Arts crew. + Lyrics by Johnny Bakerlite

Could be a spoons full of laughter
Could be a spoons full of cheese
Just a little spoon of your primavarin love;
Is just enough for me?
Men sigh about it.
Some are shy about it.
Some of them dies about it.
Everyones’s a-fightin’ about the spoonful.
That spoon, that spoon, that spoonful.

Could be a spoon full of nothing
Or a spoonfull of arsnik tea
Id love to spoon you in a feather bed
Its all the same to me
Some lie about it…
Some of them cries about it.
Some of them dies about it.
Everything’s a-fightin’ about the spoonful.
That spoon, that spoon, that spoonful.

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Maybe a spoon full of snow flakes
Or a spoon of your jelly roll
A spoon a brown honey from your dipping bowl
Would satisfy my soul
Some lie about it…
Some of them fried about it.
Some of them tied up about it.
Everything’s a-fightin’ about the spoonful.
That spoon, that spoon, that spoonful.

Unison MIDI Chord Pack

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