Orchestral Suite No 4 – B Major – Opus 149 (Time Enough for Love – for RAH) – “More” to download by *
“Work is not always an end in itself; there must always be time enough for love”, Robert Anson Heinlein

“A generation which ignores history has no past—and no future.” From the Notebook of Lazarus Long (Robert Anson Heinlein

I could go on with such quotes, but most won’t get them, as they are of the generation of “microagressions” and “safe places from the First Amendment”, and other such rot. If that is the case, then my music isn’t for you. Like my opinions, my music is real music, not noise with loud, thundering drums, profanities in place of lyrics, shouting rather than singing, where exists no unicorns or rainbows (except after a rain storm).

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I composed this piece in honor of Robert Anson Heinlein. He’s not with us anymore, but his words live on. Like his favorite character, Lazarus Long, I am a surly, curmudgeon, who knows how to construct a simple, declarative sentence, and even in my advanced years, protect my life by taking yours if you threaten me.

The generation, I’m sorry to say, that we have raised up have become these bleeding heart, progressive, scared of their shadows cowards, who shun free speech like it’s going to hurt their delicate feelings if they hear honest to God truth, or anything their vaunted university professors tell them will turn them into godly, patriotic, church going believers in the Constitution of the United States of America. They are the “Political Correct” (whatever the fuck that means) soldiers, out to stifle free speech, declare that some lives (that aren’t of European descent or Law Enforcement Officers) are more valuable than all other lives. Sorry, but it ain’t true, by even a smidgeon.

I’m going to be the person who tells you that ALL LIVES MATTER, that every living soul on this mudspeck of a planet are miracles and the creations of the Living God, .

I hope you enjoy this work of mine. Thank you for tuning in…jwg

Unison MIDI Chord Pack

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